Miss Aschim
1. What is your current role(s) at Sunburst Schools?
I am the 3rd and 4th Grade English Language Arts teacher!
2. What previous teaching, coaching, or other extracurricular activities have you been involved with, if any, at previous schools and how many years of experience do you have?
This is my 6th year teaching. I taught in Chester, Montana for 4 years as the 3rd Grade teacher where I met many wonderful colleagues and students. While I didn't coach any sports, I was an After School Program tutor, which was a wonderful opportunity to continue helping students learn as well as gain those lifelong connections with kiddos.
3. Give us a brief history to include where you are from, where you were born, where you graduated from high school, and where graduated from college?
I was fortunate enough to be born and raised in Toole County, Montana. While I was born in Shelby, I grew up in the wonderful community of Sunburst my entire childhood. I graduated from NTCHS in 2012 and went on to get two degrees at MSU-Northern in Havre: Elementary Education and Graphic Design, along with a minor in Art.
4. Tell us about your family, spouse, or significant other.
My family includes my wonderful parents, Rick and Sally Aschim, who also worked in Sunburst Schools. I was lucky enough to be taught by my mother in 2nd grade. I have an older brother, Rhett, who now works in Great Falls, also a Sunburst alum. It's great to be back home and close to family.
5. Do you have any pets?
Yes, I do! I have two cats. I call them my furbabies. Phantom is 7 years old and Sillabub is 5 years old. They are my classroom "mascots", the domesticated Wildcats, if you will!
6. What are some of your hobbies and interests?
Outside of teaching, my hobbies include reading, painting, drawing, singing, graphic design, cooking, and baking. I also love spending time with family, attending play productions, and going to Bobcat games (Go Cats Go!)
7. Are there any other interesting tidbits you want to share about yourself?
It is so wonderful to be back in my stomping grounds, my hometown! There is something so magical about Sunburst and the community we have. Thank you for bringing me back home!