Employment Opportunities
Sunburst Public Schools has the following jobs open:
Music Teacher (click here for more information on this position)
Bus Drivers
Volleyball Coach(es)
Please click here for a classified staff application (aide, kitchen, custodial, bus driver, sub)!
Please click here for a certified teaching application!
All jobs are open until filled. Please contact Tyler Bucklin at 937-2811 or tbucklin@sunburst.k12.mt.us if you have questions about any of the open positions.
For certified positions, please submit the following: letter of application, resume, certified application form, college transcripts (copies will suffice for applying, but if hired, we will need originals), and three letters of recommendation. Application packets will not be considered complete until all items are submitted.
For classified positions, please submit the following: letter of application, resume, classified application form. Application packets will not be considered complete until all items are submitted.
All positions are subject to a background check.
For further information, contact Superintendent Tyler Bucklin.