Minor Breakfast Change
The Wednesday, November 8, 2023, breakfast will have a minor change. Rather than blueberry scones, Sunburst Schools will be serving apple cinnamon scones.
Centennial Bell Award Streamed Live
Sunburst Schools will proudly be streaming the Centennial Bell Award presentation occurring at the Capitol in Helena, Montana, on our Sunburst Schools Facebook page from 10:00-10:30am on Wednesday, November 8, 2023.
During this ceremony, Mrs. Richmond will officially be recognized as the Statehood Centennial Bell Award winner as the Montana History Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Richmond's current 4th grade students as well as her 4th grade class from last year (current 5th graders) will be there to join in the festivities, sing our state song, and ring the state centennial bell!
Refiner & Wildcat Extracurricular Activities for the week of November 6-12, 2023
Thursday, November 9
NTCHS Fall Athletic Sports Awards Night for participating athletes (including 8th graders that participated in HS sports) at 7pm in the NTC Auditorium
Friday, November 10
JH BB @ Heart Butte: Girls B @ 3:00 pm; Boys B @ 4:15pm; Girls A @ 5:30pm; Boys A @ 6:45pm
Saturday, November 11
JH BB @ Power; Boys B @ 10:00; Girls A @ 11:15; Boys A @ 12:30
VISIT https://heismanscholarship.com/
American Legion Awards
Gwen Marshall, on behalf of the American Legion Auxiliary, presented awards for the American Legion Auxiliary Poppy Poster and Essay Contests.
The winner of the Class I Poppy Poster contest was 5th grade student Levi Taylor. Mackinzie White, 4th grade, placed 2nd in the Class I Poppy Poster contest. Tucker McAlpine, 5th grade, was the Class I Americanism Essay winner.
Thank you to the American Legion Auxiliary for sponsoring these contests for our students.
Any and all Veterans and their families are welcome to join the Sunburst Student Council and Sunburst FCCLA this Friday, November 10th, for a Veteran's Day free breakfast starting at 7:30. It will take place in the NTCHS FCS room. Following breakfast, there will be a program put on by various NCTHS and Sunburst elementary students at approximately 8:30. All community members are welcome to attend the program. Please spread the word! If you have questions you can contact the school and ask for Alex Aschim. Hope to see you Friday! Happy Veteran's Day and thank you to all who have served!
Pumpkins on Parade! 1st graders creatively dressed up a pumpkin.
Along came a spider...1st graders did a marvelous job of creating a model of a spider.
If FCCLA did not reach you with our wreath sales, we apologize. You may still put in orders for a local delivery or out of town delivery on this website: https://sherwoodfundraiser.com/sunburstfccla/products
Orders need to be in online by Sunday, November 5th and checks can be brought to the school on Monday the 6th. Send questions to shehlers@sunburst.k12.mt.us
Thank you for your support Sunburst!
AP Biology works well as a problem-solving team! Together they gather and record data in an advanced enzyme activity lab.
Chemistry celebrated Halloween by dissolving pumpkins in various solutions. (No candy was eaten in the lab ... but the non-lab materials made a tasty treat afterwards!)
The biology class celebrated Halloween by researching and presenting the creepiest critters on earth.
5th and 6th graders that accomplished their first quarter reading goal enjoyed a treat from the Early Bird today!
State Fire Marshal Bob Wiench visited the 5/6 grade classes this morning and presenting fire science/safety information. Students learned about the fire triangle, how fire burns, and also great fire safety information. Thank you, Mr. Wiench!
Halloween Festivities-Kindergarten
Happy Halloween
The elementary school will have their annual Halloween Parade this afternoon. Parents and community members are invited to come and see all of the Kindergarten-6th grade students in their costumes. The parade will begin at approximately 2pm.
No School Friday, November 3, 2023
Please remember that there will not be school on Friday, November 3, 2023. Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for that day!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled this Thursday, November 2, 2023, from 4-7pm and Friday, November 3, 2023, from 8:30-11:30am. If you still need to schedule your elementary child's conference, please contact Miss Lori at the elementary office. All junior high/high school conferences are drop-in conferences.
Refiner & Wildcat Extracurricular Activities for October 30-November 5, 2023
Friday, November 3
JH Basketball @ Augusta 4p Boys B/5:15p Girls B/630p Boys A
Saturday, November 4
JH Basketball vs GFCC 10am Girls B/11:15am Boys B/12:30p GA/1:45p BA
Happy Halloween! ~1st Grade