NTC All Class Reunion
Refiner/Wildcat Extracurricular Activities for April 24-30, 2023
Tuesday, April 25
JH/HS Music Spring Concert @ 7pm -- NTC Auditorium
Thursday, April 27
HS Track – Choteau Twilight Meet: First event 3pm
Golf – Sunburst/Valier Meet @ Marias 10 am
Friday, April 28\
JH Track @ Fort Benton: First event 1pm
Saturday, April 29
HS Track @ Mustang Invite – Memorial Stadium, in Great Falls: First event 8:30am
Golf @ Choteau – 9am
Notice of School Trustee Election
5th/6th StarBase Fun
Missoula Children's Theatre presents Aladdin
MCT is visiting Sunburst this week with 42 students from kindergarten through 7th grade taking part in the show.
All are invited to either the 1pm matinee and/or the 6pm evening show taking place on Friday, April 21. The cost of admission is $6 for adults and $4 for students. Seniors and age 0-5 are free.
Our 5th/6th grade students had a fantastic time visiting StarBase at the Air National Guard area in Great Falls today. This was our second visit this year. Students participated in a variety of fun hands-on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) activities.
Thank you to the crew at StarBase for giving the students at Sunburst Schools this awesome opportunity! It was awesome!
HS Track Update
The HS track meet scheduled for Saturday, April 22, in Choteau has been cancelled.
MCT Show Day!
Tomorrow, Friday, April 21, 2023, is show day for MCT cast members. All cast members will need the following on Friday:
**a non-messy lunch
**a water bottle
**closed toed shoes (no boots)
**leave all jewelry at home
**long hair should be pulled back (all cast will have hats/headwear)
**their scripts (to utilize and return)
Students will be up at the high school starting at 9am for their costume fitting and dress rehearsal. They will remain up their until 2:30pm (after the matinee). At that time, they will either go home (bus, walk, etc.). They will then need to be back at the high school by 5pm for the evening performance.
All folks are welcome to attend both the 1pm and 6pm performances! The cost is $6 for adults, $4 for students, and children 0-5 are free.
MCT Cast
Please remember to bring a bag with your first name and character written on it for tomorrow's rehearsal. All cast members will practice tomorrow at 3:40 pm. All cast members EXCEPT penguins will be there until 8pm and need a snack and a dinner.
Infantry and Cavalry: Military on Montana's Frontier!
The Montana Historical Society has the best hands-on trunks!
JH Track Update
Friday's Power JH Track meet has been postponed because of the weather. They will attempt to reschedule, but no date is currently known.
StarBASE for 5th/6th
StarBASE for 5th/6th students is tomorrow, April 20, 2023.
Please remember that the bus will leave the north elementary school doors at 7:00am and be at Four Corners at 7:10am.
Students must have a cold lunch, bottle of water, and a coat to attend.
We will return to 4 Corners at approximately 4:10pm and Sunburst at approximately 4:20pm. Students that are participating in Missoula Children's Theater will be dropped at the high school so they can participate in their MCT rehearsal.
Please contact the office or your teacher if you have any questions.
MCT Workshops
Today the Missoula Children's Theater put on workshops for students in Kindergarten-6th grade. These workshops were fun ways for our students to participate in the arts!
Logan Health Grant
Congratulations to Mrs. Missy Chilton, 5th/6th teacher at Sunburst Elementary, as she was awarded a Logan Health Grant valued at $500. Mrs. Chilton's check was presented by members of Logan Health.
Mrs. Chiton wrote a grant to purchase specific paints that she learned about from a summer outdoor class. Please look for a future article in the Shelby Promoter.
Americanism Essay Winners
Congrats to our American Legion Auxiliary Americanism Essay contest winners! Our class 1 (3rd and 4th grade) winners were: 3rd Dartanian Widhalm; 2nd Broklin Bykonen; 1st Tucker McAlpine. Our class 2 (5th & 6th grade) winners were: 3rd Coco Bucklin; 2nd Tripp McAlpine; 1st Jill Taylor.
Good luck to our NTCHS musicians as they head to District Music in Shelby this weekend, April 21st and 22nd.
The schedule for performances is as follows:
April 21st
9:00 a.m. - Concert Band
11:00 a.m. - Concert Choir
April 22nd
8:45 a.m. - NTC Girls Quartet
9:00 a.m. - Hout/Nau Duet
9:15 a.m. - Nau Robins Duet
9:45 a.m. - Nau Piano Solo
10:30 a.m. - Benjamin Trombone solo
10:45 a.m. - Cosme Trumpet solo
11:00 a.m. - Campaneria Vocal solo
11:15 a.m. - A Nau Vocal solo
1:15 p.m. - Robins Vocal solo
1:30 p.m - Hutton Vocal solo
1:45 p.m. - N Nau Vocal solo
2:15 p.m. - Benjamin Vocal solo
3:15 p.m. - Robins Bari Sax Solo
3:30 p.m. - Nau Flute solo
3:45 p.m. - NTC clarinet Quartet
Updated and Corrected MCT Cast Letter
MCT Directors Dylan and Kelson apologized as they accidentally sent some of the wrong information home. They did try scratching out and correcting the information, but the flyer below is now correct.
We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.
Hooked on Fishing
Today was the final visit from the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Hooked on Fishing Program. Mrs. Ketchum came and shared "fish jeopardy." All students participated in a fun and entertaining Jeopardy review game over all of the concepts that have been presented throughout the year.
Sunburst Schools 3rd-6th graders have had some wonderful opportunities and greatly appreciate the opportunity offered by the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Hooked on Fishing Program this year. Through this awesome program, students have completed fish art, fish dissection, gone ice fishing, learned about water distribution, and played fish jeopardy.
No Preschool Tomorrow
Please remember that there will be no preschool tomorrow, April 19th.
Due to the weather forecast on Thursday, the Sunburst/Valier Golf Meet scheduled for April 20 has been postponed. No makeup date has been determined at this point.